Can someone square this circle for me? Please. As a non-US citizen looking from the outside, I find it odd that blacks, women, and minorities support the US' Democratic Party. Given the history and ideology of the Democrats, I'm not sure as to why this is the case. I also don't understand why Republicans are often labelled bigots and racists when most racist and atrocious things in history came from The Democrats. Can this be the reason why Democrats and their Leftist allies want to tear down statues and revise history? A simple online search (mostly Wikipedia, something easily accessible to anyone) would reveal inconvenient facts about Democrats and the ideology that guides them. To put it mildly, The Democrats was on the wrong side of history. Or maybe is this because I'm not American and I misunderstand history? You be the judge… What I find at the foundation of The Democratic Party is a long history of opposition to what they today claim to support. The funny thing is people on this side of the aisle are quick to shout "historical oppression." Although The Democratic Party didn't officially exist until 1828, it's easy to trace its roots, ideology, and its policies through the people and events in history which later morphed into the party we know today. Here's what I found. Source links to my simple web search is provided within the paragraphs. Just click on the link and it will link you back to the source which I archived. THE CONFEDERACY & THE DEMOCRATSThe Confederate States of America is formed by The Southern Democrats. The Confederacy is formed by 7 states (Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas) whose economy depend on agriculture and a plantation system that is reliant on slave labor. These 7 states seceded from the United States following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Lincoln ran on a platform of abolishing slavery and this threatened the livelihood of the Southern Democrats. Organizationally speaking the present-day Democratic Party didn't appear until 1830s. The roots of The Democratic Party could be traced in the Democratic-Republican Party of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1792. The party broke over issues of slavery in 1950–The Southern Democrats and The Northern Democrats. The Southern Democrats wanted to keep slaves, while The Northern Democrats wanted to abolish slavery. The Northern Democrats became The Republican Party to oppose the spread of slavery. Although there were no parties in The Confederacy (at least political parties organized as we know it today), many members of the Confederate Congress were Southern Democrats who wanted to keep slaves, opposed by The GOP–Republicans. It's reasonable to think that The Southern Democrats was the proto-Democrat Party which evolved into the present-day Democrat Party we see today.
Here's the break down of the justices' vote: The other 6 justices were: James Moore Wayne, John Catron, Peter Vivian Daniel, Samuel Nelson, Robert Cooper Grier, and John Archibald Campbell. All 6 are Democrats. The 2 justices who dissented were: John McLean and Benjamin Robbins Curtis. Both Republicans. This is understandable considering that The Republican Party was founded as an anti-slavery party. They were concerned about the spread of what they called "the twin relics of barbarism" which were polygamy and slavery. DEMOCRATS FOUNDED THE KU KLUX KLANThe Ku Klux Klan was first founded in 1866 during the reconstruction era by 6 Confederate Army officers. Nathan Bedford Forrest a confederate army general, a slave owner and trader was the first leader of The Klan. The Klan's purpose was to oppose the reconstruction and to restore white supremacy. The Klan targeted freed slaves and their supporters. They threatened blacks and Republicans with violence and murder. It's reasonable to think that The Klan is the vigilante arm of the Democrats since it was founded by Confederate Army officers which if you remember, The Confederacy were Democrats. They were also oppose to Republicans and their anti-slavery and black integration policies. Pres. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat president (1913–1921), shared The Klan's views. He segregated government agencies. His reasoning is to reduce friction saying, "segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen." Sounds familiar? Today Democrats call for safe spaces for minorities. In his time in The Whitehouse, he screened the controversial movie Birth of a Nation (originally The Clansman). It was the 1st movie screened in The Whitehouse. It portrayed black men (played by white actors in blackface) as unintelligent and sexually aggressive towards white women, and the portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan as a heroic force. JIM CROW LAWS WERE DEMOCRATS'Jim Crow Laws were Democrat's concoction. These laws enforce racial segregation in Southern US. It was enacted by a Domocrat state legislatures. It mandated the segregation of blacks and whites in all public facilities until 1965 in the former Confederate States of America. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was one of the early attempts to break Jim Crow Laws. It guaranteed equal treatment and access to public facilities regardless of race or color. "The act was unconstitutional in some respects, saying Congress was not afforded control over private persons or corporations." –1883 Supreme Court decision regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1875 This early attempt to break Jim Crow Laws was, of course, opposed by Democrats. There's an eerie parallel to how Democrats defend their position today to how they defended the segregation of blacks and white in the past. They reasoned: Allowing blacks to attend white schools would mean "constantly subjecting them to adverse feeling and opinion," which might lead to "a morbid race consciousness" Ahhh, feelings and creating a toxic environment for minorities. Does that sound familiar to you? We see this now in how Democrats and Leftists defend their political positions. Siting feelings over facts for present-day issues about race, ethnicity, and gender. DEMOCRATS OPPOSED WOMEN'S RIGHTSThe Democrats blocked the 19th Amendment when it was proposed by Aaron Augustus Sargent, a Republican senator in 1879. Republican-controlled congress pressured Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, to ratify the 19th amendment in 1920. The 19th Amendment which grants women the right to vote was passed in US congress 4 June 1919 and was ratified in 19 August 1920. Final tally: 59% House Democrats and 41% Senate Democrats voted for 19th amendment VS 91% House Republicans and 82% Senate Republicans. The House voted 304 –89 in favor of the 19th Amendment. While congress voted 56–25, again in favor of women's right to vote. DEMOCRATS FOUGHT THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT The Democrats fought against the Civil Rights Act 1964. After Republicans got the bill passed through congress 290–130, Democratic senators filibustered the bill for 75 days (among the longest in US history) until Republicans got enough votes. After breaking the filibuster, the senate voted 73–27 in favor of the civil rights act. Then it was signed into law on 2 July 1964. When Democrats failed at slavery, they opted to have black people voting for Democrats. If black people are going to vote, they might as well vote for Democrats. Other than calling the civil rights act the "nigger bill", Lyndon Johnson reportedly said about The Civil Rights Act: "I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for 200 years." –Ronald Kessler's, Inside the White House. FINAL THOUGHTSAs Obama is fond of saying "… the wrong side of history." I would say, the Democrats were on the wrong side of history. Same can be said with a lot of leftists and diehard Democrats. Democrats still continue this legacy and thinking. I reference what is called "the bigotry of low expectations", wherein blacks, minorities, and women has to be given preferential treatment in order to compete in the open market in the form of diversity quotas, safe spaces, and the likes. Do you think of them as somehow inferior and incapable? Hence, giving them extra privileges? Why would you need affirmative action and diversity quotas if you believe they could make it based on the merit of their own competence? Why? Because those who push for these policies are racists, they think that blacks and other minorities are incapable and incompetent. In other words, incapable of competing. Thus needing special treatment. These days it's hard to know if a minority got to a certain position out of competence or out of special treatment and diversity quotas. Bigotry of low expectation. You don't expect them to do well because you believe that they can't. But of course, none of the people who identify as Democrats would dare go there, afraid of discovering their own racism. It's also argued that historically these minorities (even if women are the majority) were oppressed. Who might those oppressors be? Well, we see the party who historically oppressed them are the quickest to point out historical oppression as if their ideology has had no hand in it. How can the historical oppressors help the historically oppressed? Or do we just shift the blame to whites, men, the rich, and capitalism so we don't have to examine the party and the ideology. These are questions that I often ponder when I look at US politics. It's like this weird twilight zone where up is down, left is right, unreason is reason. You can read more articles like this on my Medium profile. And please remember to share. Thanks!
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