Can someone square this circle for me? Please. As a non-US citizen looking from the outside, I find it odd that blacks, women, and minorities support the US' Democratic Party. Given the history and ideology of the Democrats, I'm not sure as to why this is the case. I also don't understand why Republicans are often labelled bigots and racists when most racist and atrocious things in history came from The Democrats. Can this be the reason why Democrats and their Leftist allies want to tear down statues and revise history? A simple online search (mostly Wikipedia, something easily accessible to anyone) would reveal inconvenient facts about Democrats and the ideology that guides them. To put it mildly, The Democrats was on the wrong side of history.
Or maybe is this because I'm not American and I misunderstand history? You be the judge…
Here's an except from The Agenda with Steve Paikin, Published on 26 October 2016, where Dr. Jordan Peterson argues with Nicholas Matte, Professor in the Women's Studies department at University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Prof. Matte here claims that there's no biological difference between men and women.
This would be funny if this is one crazy professor teaching this at a university level, but I'm afraid that he's not alone. I marked this in our archive as we will remember this moment in history as an era of insanity in the west. For more context watch the video in The Agenda in full. I find it odd that The West doesn't talk about The Soviet Red Army winning WW2. The Red Army conquered the German capital, Berlin on 2 May 1945. Capturing the seat of power meant the defeat of the Nazis. In other words, by capturing the capital The Soviets won the war. It was to The Soviets Union represented by Gen. Vasily Chiukov that the Nazis unconditionally surrendered to.
All organisms (including humans) depend upon their accurate perception of reality in order to survive. Organisms that inaccurately perceive reality dies.
Societies that misjudge reality throughout history either died or are conquered. Armies that miscalculate the realities of the battle field are slaughtered. Individuals who perceived reality inaccurately paid the cost with their life. Civilizations that diverged from reality crumbled
In a chaotic post-truth, post-modern world and a relativistic society knowing reality [objectively] is the first casualty. The Truth is a commodity that is increasingly becoming rare.
Fake news is everywhere. There’s my facts vs your facts, where there should be just facts. Science when put in quotes, “science,” suddenly transforms into mere opinions. It’s claimed that there’s no such thing as reality. It’s also claimed that there’s no such thing as truth. It’s also said that we live in a simulation and therefore nothing matters… people actually believe that! The Russian Famine (1921-1922): an estimated 5 million people died. Peasants turned to cannibalism in order to survive. The cause of which are said to be multi-facetted–economic disturbance, World War I, The Russian Revolution, and disruption of The Russian Civil War and its communist policies. I think it's more of the latter that contributed to this famine. Communist policies that were enacted at the time are as follows:
WARNING: These photos are SHOCKING and disturbing to many. Proceed with the in mind. Here in lies the horrors of the 1920s Communist Russia famine in pictures...
In 1967 The CIA released a memo that coined the label "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorists" to attack anyone who challenged the official narrative from the Warren Commission. It's interesting to note that the document is labelled "psych", for psychological operations or disinformation. It's also marked "CS copy" at the bottom, meaning "Clandestine Services" Unit.
This document was requested and released to The New York Times in 1976 via The Freedom of Information Act. Below is the CIA dispatch. Read it for yourself.
At first it was 'hacking" into the elections, then "interference" in the elections, then "meddling" with the elections, then "influencing" elections, and finally settling to Russians Trump-Russia "collusion" which got Trump into power...
That was 2016 and still going on at present. At the time of this writing we have NOT seen any direct evidence the Russia got Trump into office. And so the insanity goes on...
While we wait for direct evidence of Russian meddling let's go back in time (no pun intended) to see a real successful meddling in foreign elections as proclaimed so proudly by the US in Time Magazine back in 1996. Read it for yourself below
Why is this okay? Why is painting black people beheading white people okay? Judging by the insanity that was unleashed when Trump said Haiti is a shithole, I could almost assure you that painting Trump or his family holding a severed black head and a knife would almost be decried as racism. So why is this okay? I think that we're getting a preview of what will happen to white people when they become the minority. What the liberals call racism of today will turn into South Africa style racism. I hope not, for their sake.
One of the most concerning documents that I've read lately is a document approved by the Minnesota Departnent of Education's council. The document dubbed as "Safe and Supportive Schools for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students," aims to provide a welcoming environment for "gender-nonconforming students." The "toolkit" stems from "a desire to combat bullying in schools" according to Human Right Commissioner Kevin Lindsey. It's also said that the document is a nonbinding guide.
What are we doing to our children? This political maneuver and other political maneuvers like this is not helping society. Mark my words, the transgender population will rise. Not because gender dysphoria is affecting more and more people but because political decisions like this are creating more transgender people.
Here's the full text of the infamous declassified Nunes Memo. A lot have been said before the release, it's time to read it for yourself. It's clear why the Republicans want this released and why the Democrats don't want it released. After a year of Russia collusion, this is what we get. This document shows clear biases against Donald Trump.
Is this document as irrelevant as the democrats and their cohorts makes it sound like? Answer is no. This document reveals to us the collusion between people against Trump. But it's also not the silver bullet that the Republicans and their cohorts say it is. The Nunes Memo is crack that lets us see the dark underbelly of The Deep State.